Friday, July 25, 2008

Amazon Herb Co. Welcomes Olivia Newton-John

Welcome Olivia Newton-John to
Amazon Herb Co. Summit 2008

We received news of Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling’s marriage two or three weeks before it hit the tabloids and internet, but out of respect for Olivia and John’s privacy I waited to post anything until they made their news public. For all of you who wrote me to inquire, thank you for your patience.

Yes, Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling had not one, but two weddings: the first on a sacred mountain in Peru on the Summer Solstice day June 21st, the second on Jupiter Island, Florida. Olivia and John shared their wedding slideshow with us at the Amazon Herb Summit Gala Saturday night.

John and Olivia’s joy and happiness is inspiring. Energetically, their union gives us great hope for the future of both Amazon Herb company and the future of the rainforest.

After a few dances they kindly posed for photos with Amazon Herb associates.

Anyone who has had the privilege to meet Olivia in person can attest, she is dynamic, down to earth, beautiful, smart, and charming. John is a very lucky man!

Friday, to kick off the Summit Olivia sang “Magic”. On Saturday afternoon, “Voices of the Rainforest”, accompanied by a beautiful rainforest video, and Sunday at the close of our summit, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.

Olivia will be at next year’s Summit, July 24, 25, 26, at the Hyatt Gainey Ranch, Scottsdale, Arizona. Book your tickets early before it sells out.

Bottom line: There is no better time than now to get involved with Amazon Herb Company. If you’ve been on the sidelines, waiting, watching, please call or email me (or your sponsor) to find out how you can start (or restart) your Amazon Herb business.

The ‘Magic of Now’ is real.
You can take care of the people you love, contribute to the causes you believe in, assist people with their health, and be in control of your life - all at the same time! Having an Amazon Herb home-based business is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Publicity Review:
In the past few months our Founder and CEO, our Camu camu, our rainforest partnerships, our ecological solution, our company and products, have all been honored, endorsed and glorified by key people and in the press. John and Amazon Herb Company’s Beyond Good Business ethics are catching on!

January: Amazon Herb Company partners with ACEER

April: Return to the Amazon documentary with Jean-Michel Cousteau and his daughter Celine, airs on PBS nationwide.

May: “Olivia, Voices of the Rainforest” benefit concert for ACEER in Washington,DC

June: Olivia Newton-John marries John Easterling.
The press carries the news around the world. Amazon John, without a publicist, is now famous as Founder and CEO of Amazon Herb Company, environmentalist, health guru, rainforest explorer, and most important, Olivia’s husband!